The Serbian Internet Governance Forum (IGF Serbia), held on May 26 at Belgrade Youth Center, was opened by Chengetai Masango, Head of the IGF Secretariat, Dejan Đukić, RNIDS (Serbian National Internet Domain Registry) Director, Milan Dobrijević, State Secretary of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, and Mirjam Kühne, Chair of the RIPE Community.
An array of topics ranging from digitization and digital policies, media, human rights and digital literacy in the post-digital age, various current attempts to control the Interent, digital sovereignty, to cyber security could be followed both in person at Belgrade Youth Center and online.
Representative of the National CERT, dr Marko Krstić, took part along with Dejan Đukić, RNIDS Director and Nebojša Jokić, representative of Serbian Cyber Security Network in a panel discussion entitled „Cyber security and the human factor: awareness, education, competencies“, moderated by Milan Sekuloski. The participants overwhelmingly agreed that there is a necessity to invest in human capital, with also a space to improve the knowledge itself, where the role of the state is crucial, however not excluding the support of other organizations that could help create educational programs. The National CERT presented its achieved results and the plans pertaining to raising awareness on the significance of cyber security, stressing that the international cooperation between relevant institutions in the area of information security and the support to employee training are of utmost importance.
The Serbian Internet Governance Forum (IGF Serbia) made it possible for the Republic of Serbia to join the worldwide network of National and Regional Initiatives (NRIs), which operates under the auspices of the United Nations’ Internet Governance Forum.
More on the event’s program can be found at https://igf.rs/, with video of the conference available at RNIDS Youtube Channel.