A free of charge webinar on cyber security intended for the healthcare providers was organized in cooperation with the Institute of Standardization of Serbia (ISS), the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications (MTTT) and the Ministry of Interior (MoI).
The participants were acquainted with the obligations foreseen in the cyber security regulations, as well as with the Model Security Act prepared by the National CERT as a type of support to the operators of the ICT systems of special importance. The significance of both the implementation and verification of the applied protection measures prescribed by the Law on Information Security in the healthcare system has been specially highlighted.
The Head of the MoI-CERT Nebojša Jokić presented the situation in the area of information security, current attacks in the Republic of Serbia and abroad, and made recommendations for security incident prevention. A MTTT Cyber Security Inspector, Marija Popović, presented the scope of competences of the line ministry and explained how all legal obligations can be most efficiently fulfilled. The National CERT representatives Daniela Andrović and Maja Lakušić pointed out the vulnerabilities and threats in the healthcare system, presented the Model Security Act and offered some practical tips for the act preparation. Violeta Nešković-Popović, Head of the international cooperation department, information and publishing at the ISS, explained the set of standards SRPS ISO/IEC 27000 and their link to the Law on Information Security.
This has been the first webinar themed aroud the Security Act in the Republic of Serbia, where the participants could get concrete advice on how to implement the protective measures prescribed by the Law on Information Security.