As a part of the exchange of professional experience and knowledge, representatives of the Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute made a two-day visit to the National CERT of the Republic of Serbia. The visit was organized following the National CERT’s admission into membership to FIRST, on the occasion on which the leading sponsor is to be acquainted with the activities and capacities of the applying team. FIRST (Forum of Incident and Response Security Teams) is an international organization gathering a great number of CERT teams dealing with issues of security risk protection and incident alerts and responses, particularly involving product security teams from the government, economic and academic sectors.
The Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute is considered as one of finest institutions in the area of cyber security and is, in fact, a founder of the CERT organization: the very first CERT has been established at this University, whereas the CERT program itself is incorporated into the Software Engineering Institute. The CERT logo is internationally trademarked by this University.
This has been the second occasion for RATEL (acting as a National CERT) to host the representatives of the Software Engineering Institute and further improve the already excellent cooperation in the area of cyber security.