The biggest digital gathering in the region was held in Belgrade on April 04 and 05. The second digital summit of the Western Balkans brought together more than 3,000 participants in order to improve regional cooperation in this area. The gathering was attended by representatives of governments, international and state entities, companies and academia who had the opportunity to discuss and suggest innovative approaches in the field of politics, display the latest technologies, exchange ideas and discover the latest digital trends.
At the Summit, a side meeting was held, organized by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC). Participant were representatives of regional national CERTs, European Commission, the Vienna Energy Community, Geneva Center for Democratic Control of the Armed Forces (DCAF), as well as representatives of Software Engineering Institute of the Carnegie Mellon University (CMU, SEI).
All participants presented their previous results and planned activities for the following period, but the main topic was an improvement of cooperation of national CERTs in the region by creating a common platform for information sharing of security incidents. National CERT of the Republic of Serbia proposed MISP platform (Malware Information Sharing Platform) recommended by the international forum FIRST, as well as representatives of the Carnegie Melon University.