ATHENS, November 2023 – A delegation of the Republic of Serbia, composed of the representatives of the Ministry of Information and Telecommunications, the National CERT (RATEL) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, paid a visit to the National Intelligence Service (NIS) of Greece, and its Centre for Technological Support, Development and Innovation, as wel as the Headquarters of the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) in Athens. The Greek colleagues presented their competent bodies’ activities in the area of cybersecurity, certification and alignment assessment, as well as AI implementation plans and participation of Greece in the European Council WGs for the preparation of NIS2 directive.
As part of this study visit, the delegation met with representatives of ENISA, who presented the development of ICT process, product and service certification schemes. During the visit, several open questions regarding the NIS2 directive transposition and implementation were discussed, and ENISA tools for raising awareness about cyber security were presented, that could be adapted by Serbia to fit the country’s own needs.
The study visit to the competent authorities of Greece and to ENISA is part of the fulfillment of techical assistance applied for by the Ministry of Information and Telecommunications via the Technical Assistance and Information Exchange instrument of the European Commission (TAIEX). The subject of the Technical Assistance refers to the understanding of the manner of application of the 2019/881 EU Cybersecurity Act, primarily in the segment pertaining to the ICT process, product and service certification, and to the ways of improving the cooperation with the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA).